Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Where's the space gone?

Over the last few weeks, I've been trying to sort out the massive number of books that have accumulated around the house (we'll politely draw a veil over the magazines - 4 sci fi magazines and 4 computer magazines...).

The vast majority were scattered over the floor of my 'spare' bedroom in roughly alphabetical order so I bought 4 billy bookcases from Ikea (light oak finish - very neat!). When these arrived flat packed I was nearly straight on the phone to Ikea asking where the ones I had ordered were - these appeared to be far too small a package. Fortunately, I opened the packing on one first and found out how they'd managed the trick - a concertinaed back panel!

Next problem - finding the room to assemble them. I have the room height (and then some), but floor space is limited even after clearing away those piles of books.

I've managed to assemble two in the front 'spare' bedroom before just running out of space there. Looks like the front living room's next. At least I'm getting quicker at assembling them...

And then I can start shelving the books though I don't think I'm going to get everything on even then but hopefully I'll get enough on so I can make sure my database agrees to the physical books :-)

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